A personality test is a tool used to assess an individual’s characteristics, traits, and behaviors. It helps to understand a person’s strengths, weaknesses, and preferences, providing insights into their personality. In youth soccer development, personality tests can be valuable in identifying players’ psychological profiles, communication styles, and leadership qualities. By understanding the personalities of young players, coaches can tailor their training methods, communication strategies, and team dynamics to enhance individual and team performance. Personality tests can also aid in building cohesive and resilient teams, fostering a positive learning environment, and promoting personal growth and development among youth soccer players.


  1. Have your player answer the questions as honestly as possible. When in doubt, use the first answer that comes to their mind.
  2. Read the results, take a screenshot of the results, and copy and paste them in an email or text to share with your player’s coaches, teachers, or anyone involved in helping them with the educational or development process.
  3. This ensures they understand how to communicate properly with your player. For instance, an auditory player may not like to make eye contact when spoken to and may look up at the sky. The coach may think the player is being rude and disrespectful and forces the player to make eye contact. However, if this player is an auditory learner, they may prefer to look away and focus on their hearing and listening to the coach. In fact, looking at the coach may hinder their learning or cause them to lose focus.
  4. It is imperative for coaches and teachers to also understand the differences between various types of learners in order to connect and genuinely help players.