See What Some of Our Past Families and Players say about us:
Lopez Family of MLS Next Pro Player
On a cold February evening I brought Anderson to “train” with a team that had been playing together for 2 years so the coaches could see if they wanted to add him to their roster. Not having grown up with organized sports in my life, I did not understand it and honestly, I did not want to be a part of it. Against my will, I followed my husband’s instruction to “just take him and see what happens” and it was on that cold, damp evening, that I realized what a powerful journey this could be for our then 3rd grader.
Our son had been playing soccer for less than 6 months which included one session of futsal and then a season of AYSO when we went to his unofficial try out. It did not take long for me to recognize that while Anderson was performing, we were “out of our league.” The boy’s foot skills alone were enough to send us walking with our tails between our legs. As I watched the boys on the team interact with each other and passing the ball, Anderson, to me, looked very out of place. It was a painful hour for me to watch while projecting my observations onto the scene. On our ride home I was quite before asking Anderson how he thought it went. I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY ears as he told me that he was excited to go back on Thursday. My jaw dropped. It was in that instant that I realized WHY I would support the intense commitment to his soccer journey. Anderson was willing to WORK for what he wanted, Anderson was willing to start at the bottom and work his way up. Anderson was willing to NOT GIVE UP. Anderson had tenacity.
That was four years ago and today I am privileged to say that we have been working with Mr Shervin Erfani for half of those years. It was two years into our soccer experience that we met Shervin and my ideas of what could be learned from the “game of soccer” were supported, in fact exceeded.
It was Anderson’s then coach that recommended we take him to train with Shervin. Once again, Anderson was challenged to enter an arena that was more advanced than he was at the time and he rose to the occasion to try to prove himself. When Shervin invited him to join the training, a whole new world opened up for Anderson.
A world of hard work (through the game), accountability (through attendance, good grades and playing in the game), soccer homework (reflections that Shervin would assign), giving back to the community (shoe drives), rituals (booting up together on the field and shaking parents hands at the end) and so much more had begun to unfold. As our Friday and Sunday trainings continued, I remember thinking that we should quit club and just train with Shervin. I was amazed by what I heard from Anderson and realized that Shervin was not just teaching soccer. He was teaching the boys what we were also focusing on at home, giving them tools to take with them on their journey through life. Ideals such as integrity, community, accountability, respect, humility, and meritocracy….and there it was, all built into his trainings. They did not just play soccer, they also focused on the other parts of being able to play soccer because of stretching, eating right, expanding their mind and SO MUCH MORE!
With Shervin, they are taught not just to DO on the field but to how to BE in life! I am amazed at the thought that Shervin has put into his plans and so thoroughly executed. When Anderson came home with his first “armband” I was blown away. Not only does Shervin teach these future citizens of the world, but he has incorporated a built in reminder, armbands. An armband that has the 6 core values written on it that the boys first earn through attendance (again, a teaching moment in just showing up!) and then wear on and off of the field. It serves as a constant reminder to the boys about who they want to be. I have many times used this tool to remind Anderson to stop and look at his armband and think about the person he wants to be. These teachable moments at home come to life because of what foundation Shervin is laying down for them at training.
Here comes the word again. Like no other person I have met, Shervin DOES NOT GIVE UP. Shervin leads by example for the boys to reach for the stars AND then giving ALL THEY HAVE GOT to reach their goal. In practice they understand that there is no such thing as taking it easy, they must exceed expectations. Through this standard the kids learn that they can give and do more than they think they can – Shervin is training a mindset. At one practice I told Anderson to “take it easy” and he said with a smile, “Mama, here there is no such thing as taking it easy.”
To reward their work Shervin looks to the future and plans his next moves on how to challenge the boys and gives them opportunities to be the best they can be. In doing so, he first shows them how to prepare for such adventures and always keeps one eye on the future while giving all he has in the moment. Shervin teaches the boys how to be the best they can be. In teaching this lesson, he has supported them in reflecting, thinking and showing up for themselves. Shervin has created a community for kids and parents. Belonging to a community is one of the most beneficial gifts children can be a part of. A community is grounding for these kids that are going through tough years, tempted by so much in this world today. He is their rock and he is teaching them how to ultimately be their own “rock.”
Shervin’s vision is unlike anything that I had ever seen or heard of and it matched mine vision of the “whole player” not just the soccer player and from the beginning, this spoke to my heart. Shervin’s dedication to the boys and being the best they can be moves me. One year into our training with Shervin, my husband lost his job. When my husband shared this information with Shervin and told him that we could no longer afford to pay the tuition, Shervin told my husband to continue bringing Anderson. Sometimes, getting things for free makes them less valuable. In this case, the value of our time with Shervin grew exponentially. One cannot pay enough for the support, belief and love that Shervin invests into teaching these kids how to be the absolute best they can be.
Last November, Shervin set up an unbelievable experience for the boys in
Spain. I believe he wanted to reward them for their hard work and more importantly give them a reality check. Shervin shared with the boys that no matter how good you are, there are always better players so you better see who you are up against. Anderson’s first trip with Shervin was not just a memory for life but a lesson for life. He saw that he needed to work harder and be faster. He learned that it takes a lot of hard work to be exceptional. It takes sacrifices to get what you want. Shervin wants them to reach their dreams and is guiding them to do so. Dreams don’t just happen and Shervin has helped Anderson get to know himself better, how to set goals and always reflect. In January, Shervin took Anderson and his team to Mexico and Anderson went without us. Yes, there were other adults on the trip but our son is being given tools that no matter what happens with his soccer career, the tools will continue to serve. Through his training with Shervin, Anderson has learned to speak up as a defender and become a leader. Shervin has empowered Anderson to see himself differently. Shervin is giving these kids tools for life.
Upon reflecting after a tournament in Mexico, Anderson announced that when he goes pro- he wants to do for kids what Shervin has done for him.
Very Sincerely,
The Holt Family, USL Pro Player
I wanted to share with you what David and I talked about the other day about his experience with you and the boys. My son David has learned from you to never give up and to always push yourself to go beyond your limits .The impact this has had in him with school is that now he is determine to get good grades to keep on going to practice. Towards his future he has now an open mind of what he wants to become professionally .
I’ve seen a improvement in leadership by noticing he has more confidence with himself and he started being more outgoing .
Something he has learned from soccer or you is that life isn’t easy , there will be obstacles but if you believe in yourself and you push yourself beyond your limits you will suceed in life .
I haven’t payed anything for practices because you gave my son that amazing chance to come play and practice with the team for free . I’ve noticed an improvement with my son and it’s really important to him because I wouldn’t be able to cover those cost . I’m very thankful for that .
Travel wise I think it’s a great thing for the boys , being still at a early age and already traveling to many places competing Is an amazing thing . It gives the boys more confidence and it’s a good way for them to get scouted or known by other teams .
To him everyone is equal , all cultures and places are amazing . The key to dealing with loosing is to have your head up at all times and admit your errors and try to correct them for next time . The ability to deal with winning is to celebrate in a correct way but to keep in mind that you still need way more to practice and just because you won doesn’t mean your the best and that you don’t need anymore practice .
A way they can give back to what your doing with the boys so that they could do the same to others is by trying to become professionals so that they can help out young kids try to become professional as well and share the love for soccer . And a way they could always give back Is for them to always remember where they came from and who got them there so that they could do the same .
Thanks for Everything that you are doing with the boys and your hard work!!
David, Parent of MLS Next Player
Diego has learned so many life skills from Shervin, for instance Diego has become more focused on his life goal, he is more independent and responsible. He has become a leader at school, on the field and every environment he engages in. Since Shervin began working with Diego, his personal and group leadership skills have dramatically improved. We are so grateful for Shervin’s generosity and his dedication to my son. I am a full time student and work part-time, we often cannot afford the type of training that Shervin offers. His passion, love and commitment to our son is incredible. He makes my son feel special and unique. This type of focus is hard to find anywhere and the fact that Shervin is loyal and enthusiastic about this mission to help my son and many others is a blessing.
Our lives and most importantly Diego’s life has improved since he began this journey with Shervin. It not only helps him focus better on his goals, but it has increased his activity level and he is less likely to go out on the streets. He is able to use more positive outlets to decrease the amount of stress in everyday life, school responsibilities, chores, family life, etc. Moreover, because of Shervin’s impact in my son’s life, Diego has learned how to better deal with difficult situations and improve his mindset on setbacks instead of falling to the pressures of defeat. His resiliency is one of the biggest improvements in Diego’s life. This is a necessary life skill to survive in today’s world. Diego has mentioned how he would love to donate to Shervin’s misson once he grows up, because he sees the value in working hard, establishing a strong work ethic and improving the lives of others less in need (like himself). Shervin’s impact has help my son become more culturally sensitive to others in need. Overall, my son have become a better world citizen because of Shervin.
Lopez Family, Parents of Pro MLS Player
Hello, my name is Miriam Curry and my son’s name is Rey Ernesto Millan Gonzalez. There are many things and values that Ernesto has learned from Shervin, his help and guidance have motivated and directed my son in a whole new direction in life. Ernesto has always been a goal minded kid but not to the level that he is now. With Shervin’s input he has developed a higher self esteem and confidence in himself, Ernesto has a more clear vision of his future and the goals he wants to achieve, he is more focus on school and getting better grades for his college and university. He has even developed higher expectations of himself and what he wants in life. He is learning to put a plan of action together to accomplish his dreams and goals and speaks about them with the confidence that he will achieve them. He is becoming more and more a better and stronger leader, He talks about visualizing his outcome and his direction in life (things that he did not understood or even practiced before).
Ernesto loves soccer he always has, but now with Shervin guiding him and being so involved with him he applies a lot of the practices and values that Shervin implements on the field into Ernesto’s daily life and future. He shows the same or more dedication at school than at soccer. He has learned teamwork to a higher level, he has learned to trust and help his team mates in the game and in life. Respect for not only himself but also for everybody.
Shervin has thought him how in life integrity and honesty will take you further in life.
We have never paid for any of the trainings or tournaments. Ernesto has learned that one of the most important values is to give back to people and the community. He has mention many times how Shervin is always trying to find a way to help people in need and that he wants to be like Shervin. Ernesto’s has traveled with Shervin’s team and he has never paid anything as of Shervin has always tried to help us. My son has shared with me how after every game Shervin took them to eat and while they were having dinner no one was allowed to have their phone so they could talk about the game and spend quality time together with each other. He mentioned how he teaches them to be grateful for what they have in life and to not take anything for granted.
Ernesto is a very competitive kid and in these time that he has been spending more time with Shervin and learning from him he has learned how to deal with success as well as failure; he has learned that dealing with things or situations that are not always what he is used to or situations that are not always easy to deal with are ways of becoming a better and stronger individual. He shows more compassion towards others and tries to understand more and more other people’s and kid’s points of view. He has learned that loosing is just another way to get up and get better and try harder, he talks about never giving up because Shervin has thought him that if you want something bad enough there is always away.
I think that one of the biggest things if not the most important thing Ernesto’s has learned from Shervin is that he wants to help others in every way, he wants to give back to others just like Shervin does, he has de desire to help people believe in themselves and achieve their dreams the same way Shervin encourages them to focus and do that for themselves. Ernesto wants to make a difference in this world and help those that are not in the right path in life too. He wants to empower and motivate others just like Shervin does to them. Ernesto has become a stronger and more compationate kid. Shervin is helping him to be the best man and individual he can become in life!!
Miriam Y Curry, Mother of MLS Next Player
I wanted to write this to you to thank you and share our experience with you.
Gaby has learned from you that you are very busy and interested in helping young boys achieving their dreams on becoming professional soccer players and better human beings. Soccer clubs don’t care about young boys dreams just their logo or brand. But you don’t stop on helping him providing opportunities that no one has ever done for him on his short soccer career.
Education is very important not just soccer because soccer is just a dream but education is for life. By you asking for his grades it makes gaby work harder on his homework and also in school by paying more attention in class and no wasting time in class. It makes gaby become more responsible in school and at home. Discipline is a great asset for gaby but theirs always room from improvement. He wants to become a professional soccer player on day a play for Real Madrid but his second option is to become a doctor.
Leadership is not his best friend but he likes to set a example to others by working hard every day and every practice. At home and in the field his enjoys leading by working hard.
Gaby believes that working hard in the field and off the field is just the same in the real life it just the same thing he sees me work every day long days and many sacrifices that he learns that nothing is easy but applying it to the real world you will be someone of good morals and a good family it just makes it better.
Thanks to you gaby has not pay no money. He is very grateful to you. For us is very difficult because I work 50 miles from home and have to work with other parents on helping each other bring our boys to practice is not easy but by all of us working together it makes it easier for me. By you believing on him and the rest of the boys the least that we can do is to show our respect and we are very lucky to be able to be part of your team.
Travels opportunities are great tool for gaby. I have been trying to look for open tryouts in different places but by you knowing more people it makes my life easier and I am always interested in helping you with the boys having a life time opportunities that no one else is willing to provide. Clubs only want the best for them but not for this individuals who work hard and bust their butt every practice and leaving family time and social activities second choice is not easy for them.
Dealing with different cultures is priceless. Being able to see how others live every day is amazing for gaby. It makes gaby appreciate his Way of living. It opens his eyes and it makes him be a better person by treating everyone the same way respecting others.
Gaby has a good idea on giving back. He wants to help kids with cancer and wants to become a permanent blood donor. We often attend different homes in need in Mexico and we believe that karma goes round. We are very bless so giving back is in our hearts and blood. Helping others boys with the same dreams is always a great way to finish our goal. Also we are catholic and we believe in god. We try to be good but I don’t judge.
Their always room from improvement but from the top of my mind we had to look for sponsors to provide more opportunities to travel. You shervin do all the work but all parents need to help. Thank you for your time and your passion . Your resources are always appreciated and I am available to help with any thing that I can help. God bless you and your family and thank you again for helping us.
Enriquez Family, Parents of USL Pro Player
My son Ian Garcia has learned many attributes from Shervin Erfani. Ian has developed a deeper work ethic in which he has realized nothing is given in life. Shervin has shown the kids that with hard work and perseverance, opportunities develop. Also, Shervin has taught the concept of accountability because the decisions one makes, either good or bad, can have consequences.
Shervin’s commitment and his expectations of the kids has made them realize that with their hard work, good things could come such as admittance into good schools, etc. My son realizes that being lazy or doing mediocre work has consequences.
Shervin has been an example of not giving up with ideas and dreams. Regardless of things getting difficult, Ian has seen Shervin come through and remain on track. Regardless of the headaches in the background, Ian has seen how Shervin handles the issues and gets things done, especially things he cares about.
My son has learned practicing hard could translate to life because one needs to be committed and enjoy what they are doing. They need to give 100 percent of themselves to the efforts at hand, regardless of what people might think.
Ian has the privilege to be training with the best coaches in San Diego without being charged. Also the program Shervin provides the kids is the best in California and possibly the country. Shervin chose my son and others because he saw something in them and the potential for greatness both on and off the field. Training of this caliber would be expense and possibly out of reach for my son if it was not free. Shervin made a commitment to help the kids play soccer and for the parents not to be placed in a situation of not being able to pay.
Ian has had the opportunity to travel to places many kids have dreamt about. Shervin has developed a network that provides opportunities for the kids to play against the best soccer players in the world at their age. My son has had the pleasure of playing in Barcelona and in Mexico. Not only did he play soccer, he learned how to be able to coup with a different culture, food, and customs. Shervin provided the opportunities to show my son that it’s a big world with lots to offer. My son has developed an attitude that you learn more by doing and competing because someone else’s methods may work better and understanding people is a lot easier than remaining ignorant.
Shervin has provided opportunities for the boys to give back to their communities. My son realizes that Shervin has given them a lot and in some form or fashion they need to pay it back to the community. Shervin has arranged shoe and food drives the kids are expected to participate in. The kids take pride in giving back, because they realize that a lot of people in the world do not have a “Shervin” in their lives.
The efforts are not only about soccer, but about mentoring young men to be good citizens and give back. Soccer has provided them an avenue of growth. My son has realized it’s not always about him. Shervin has shown the kids that hard work pays off and by doing the right thing, good things happen. Also, with that being said, Shervin has shown and taught my son, by not doing anything and being lazy or not giving your 100 percent, nothing happens.
Ivan Garcia, father of Ian Garcia, D1 College Scholarship
Shervin has been a huge inspiration and mentor to Ian. From day one, Shervin has sent positive messages and guidance to Ian. Specifically, Ian has told me that the lessons he’s learned have been of meritocracy, (you get what you earn), dedication, hardwork and believing in yourself. Most importantly, that he has to be a leader. The impact that Shervin has had on Ian has been very meaningful. He’s asked him on many occasions to stay focused on school. He’s encourage Ian to excel at the highest level possible and his grades at school shows that. Shervin did an exercise where he had the boys do an analysis of earning potential in soccer and in life. He wanted them to look into the future and see what their earnings potential could be if they worked hard and stayed focused. But it wasn’t just about making money. It was about what they would do with it. How they could help others. It was a powerful exercise. What Ian took away from this and many other examples like this was achieving great success through handling adversity, prejudices and when life seems to be against you. He taught him to fight for what he believed in. Ian has had a very challenging season so far in soccer. Playing for one of two MLS Academies in southern California comes with great pressure but Ian has had to face a political environment that no child should ever have to deal with. However, the experiences of being in the environment that Shervin has provided has given him the tools to deal with the adversities he faces everyday. In fact, he’s improved as a player, team mate and person despite the toxic environment he’s in.
Shervin has also provided opportunities which included multiple trips to other countries to face top level academies and teams. Ian’s been able to learn different cultures and experienced for the first time, first hand, what other children face every day in their daily lives. Witnessing rampant poverty has had a massive impact on Ian. He understands that he is blessed and that opportunity is the greatest gift he could ever have. This has inspired him to continue to focus on what he can do to become a productive and positive force in his life and community. All of these lessons were provided by Shervin and his dedication to the boys. On a recent trip, a few boys caught an illness. Shervin stayed with each and every child ensuring their well being. He paid for their treatment himself. On one occasion, after a very long day, he stayed with one of the players through the night into the early morning, not coming back to the hotel until 3:30am. This is unselfish commitment.
Ian trains several days a week on fields and with coaches that have been paid for. We have never paid anything for this. Not one dollar. Shervin’s generosity does not escape Ian either. He understands that he is given an opportunity to grow as an individual. To be the best he can be and Shervin is making the sacrifice for him and others. In turn, Ian understands that although he doesn’t earn money today, he can pay it forward today by being good to others and in the future, he can provide opportunities to others. He’s become a leader at his school with numerous kids looking up to him as a mentor. He’s also volunteered to provide backpacks of essentials for homeless people in our area. He raises the funds through service work and purchases items such as toothpaste, shampoo, toothbrush, gloves etc and puts them in a backpack to give to the homeless. Because Ian is committed to training several days a week, Ian has to be very disciplined and focused on school, sports and family. He does not have time to sit around and play video games or sit on the computer all day. In order to be highly effective, he also has to focus on a healthy diet to perform at a high level. All things taught and reinforced consistently from Shervin. Shervin reminds the boys about good nutrition and good habits. Eating properly everyday, before games, after games, are all critical to their development.
Parent of ex MLS Next Player
Shervin Erfani has played a tremendous role in our son Jacob Zapien’s life. Using soccer as a vehicle; Shervin has been able to connect with my son teaching him valuable life lessons that will stick with him for the rest of his life. He is an amazing mentor and a loving contributor to our youth.
Hard work, dedication and sacrifice.
Through his leadership academy he has been able to model and demonstrate what true ambition looks like. Teaching them not only to dream but to act and plan according to their dreams. “To be Extraordinary you have to do Extra!”, “Always give 1000%, “You never know who’s watching!” These are a couple of Shervin’s quotes he has engrained in these kids minds to remember as they move forward in life in whatever they do.
These kids have learned to respect their bodies and the importance of proper diet, exercise and sleep. Jacob will turn down a desert or candy when he knows he has a competition ahead of him. Yoga, epsom salt baths and stretching are also part of the routine.
Dealing with adversity.
As a leader my son has learned that there are many difficult aspects in life that you have to face head-on. My son has sacrificed some of his childhood while on the path of leadership and success. While other kids are sleeping in and playing video games at home he is training or contributing to society by engaging in social activities/networking with other likeminded and driven kids.
Building leaders with international opportunities.
On one of our international travels he was able to compete against kids his age that were in a professional academy. These kids were orphans which means that if they don’t make the team they are on the street. Youth sports in our country are for the most part for recreation however; in some countries the youth are playing for their lives. This was a harsh reality for my son to understand.
Success = Responsibility to give back.
Giving back has been a really big part of the leadership program that Shervin has modeled. Our son has learned that successful leaders have a responsibility to give back. Jacobs first experience with a charitable cause was through the academy. Shervin set up an event where we fed the homeless downtown and for the first time my son had the opportunity to acknowledge and serve people in need. He was emotional and had many questions from this experience. Many people go through life in a privileged bubble and we are happy to say our son has been exposed to what the real world is like at a very young age to his advantage. This has made a huge impression on him and has fed his desire to help others.
Shervin’s generosity to sponsor our program has opened up opportunities for our son and many other kids in the program. We do not pay for the trainings or the travel opportunities.This has been a great help for our family and I imagine that a program like this would cost us more than we can afford.
We are truly forever grateful for the time, effort and investment that Shervin has contributed to our son’s growth and progress on his pursuit to becoming a leader of tomorrow and an amazing contributor of society.
Javier and Emily Zapien (Parents of Jacob Zapien, ex MLS Next Player and D1 College Scholarship Player)
Aaron Haberman, Parent of D1 Player
I wanted to thank you for all that you have done for my son and my family. I have been thinking where to start? Simply put, Miles has learned a deeper respect for his craft, his teammates, and what it means to be a leader. While his ‘craft’ is soccer now, this skill/capability is fully transferable to his education, his career, and his personal development.
Miles is now at a point where his approach, skill, hard work, and dedication to his craft has opened up opportunities for him that may not have been attainable. Specifically, Miles has the opportunity to take the next steps towards his dream of being a professional soccer player…he has been invited to attend and train with some very prestigious soccer academies in Germany. While his natural ability is a great asset to him, the mental preparedness this demands is the what he is learning with you and really the difference to his success.
While Miles is not a vocal leader, he is learning the importance of leading by example. This is a core element that Shervin brings to the training the boys receive. Everyone is a leader and everyone has the responsibility to lead by displaying good habits, respect, and a strong work ethic.
Well, we could write for days on this one… The main lesson I see Miles’ learning from Shervin is that for one to reach their goals one has to be all in! The word ‘try’ is unacceptable. You are either going to ‘do it or not’. This lesson while discussed frequently on the soccer field is the biggest life lesson these kids learn from Shervin. Whatever one does, it has to be 100%. Take risks, fail, get back up and hit again but this time at 110%.
I actually feel very guilty about this point. Shervin has asked for no payment for these training sessions. While I would say that we haven’t paid any money, nothing is free. Shervin demands 100% commitment from my son (and us as a family). All he asks is that my son gives 100% each session and represents the core values that Shervin has taught them, each and every time.
This is perhaps the most amazing aspect of his work. Shervin has provided opportunities to travel to places that most 12-13 year old boys would never dream of. Unless you are a soccer fan, it is difficult to convey the incredible trips and activities my son has been able to attend. A simple example – Miles was able to play against the FC Barcelona Academy at La Masia. That would be like being able to play football against Notre Dame at South Bend. It was amazing opportunity, but more importantly it changed my son’s life. It provided him with a perspective that he hadn’t had before. While he has tons of work to do, he now feels that he has the ability to compete, he belongs. He can do anything he sets his mind to…nothing is beyond his reach.
Diversity is actually a very interesting component to this group of boys. The approx. 20 boys in this group come from such diverse backgrounds that provide a learning experience every day for my son. This diversity is at so many levels; economic, religious, ethnic, physical. Everyday I feel that my son is exposed to a new tradition or cultural event shared with in the group. Outside of the group…Miles’ has met and is still in contact with kids throughout the world…some more local like the Xolos Academy boys from TJ, to boys from Campeche Mexico and Germany.
Miles and I talk often about what Shervin has done for this group. In terms of a role model, I couldn’t imagine a better person to be in Miles’ life…Shervin is an amazing example of graciousness, tenacity, diligence, and happiness. A great example of the type of man I would like my son to become.
Key things to keep in mind, the fundraising is not about soccer. No one cares. Soccer is just a tool to keep the boys interested. What they care about are:
Education and the kids’ focus on education and studying
Keeping kids off the street
Keeping kids active vs being on phone or computer video games
Staying fit vs obesity (healthy diet to compete)
Creating leaders of tomorrow
Growing up to be a great member of society and to give back
Thank you for all that you do for us.
Dwayne (Parent of Pro Academy Player in Germany)
This letter is to thank you for all that you do for our son. The things that Ramses has learned from you , are head up, always compete, always give 1000 %, be humble, always give back and respect everyone and socialize.
The impact that this has had on Ramses is the leadership, hard work and dedication that he has for you will translate to his college or professional career.
Since Ramses started his leadership with you, he has grown tremendously because of you .
I think Ramses will be a leader and a self started in life.
All this wouldn’t happen without your support and not too many people or organizations will do it with out earning a single penny, thanks to Shervin and his big heart for seeing potential in this kids and hopefully some day these kids will become successful in life and return the favor.
I asked my kid how many of this school mates have travel this year for soccer , not many, and Ramses has travel twice to MEX with you and planning a big trip to Portugal this June has motivated him to work harder so he can experience different cultures by playing soccer.
Ramses is a kid that doesn’t understand how to lose , he is working hard on becoming a better person and learning how to win and lose and adversity.
You are teaching my son how to become a better person not always want but give and that it isn’t always about him.
Ramses is working hard everyday on bettering his attitude when somebody is trying to teach him.
Thanks Shervin for everything you do for my son !!