Center Midfielders Profile (#6)

  • Technical
    • Marking, tracking, intercepting and tackling
    • Collect, turn, re-direct to all regions of field (360)
    • Passing to penetrate (all service types)
    • Technically advanced-receiving and turning in tight spaces, passing range including final pass 
    • 1v1 defending
    • Aerial Duels
    • Receiving &Turning with ball
    • Variations in passing ability and range
    • Long range shooting
  • Tactical
    • Primary option for build out and possession
    • Defensive control centrally in front of backs
    • Penetrate- movement, passing or running with ball
    • Dominating positionally and individually, controlling and protecting central area 
    • Positioning between lines (spatial awareness and body orientation) and quick decision making (360° scanning) 
    • Recognizing when to play forward, switch play and keep possession (ball security)
    • Breaking down compact defenses and finishing the attack (insight and creativity)
    • Providing offensive/defensive balance 
  • Physical
    • Mobility- multi-directional box to box centrally
    • Speed endurance- intermittent, intense actions.
    • Explosive movement- maximum acceleration
    • Survive with ball- use of body to protect ball 
    • Power
  • Mental
    • Energized- maximal effort to connect the team
    • Game Awareness- control tempo and speed of play
    • Self-less- effort to connect all parts of the team
    • Confident
    • Communication to organize players defensively
    • Leadership qualities
    • Aggression
    • Self Control




  1. Break lines to progress ball
    • Correct body shape to turn and face forward in possession
    • Diagonal Support to CBs
    • Support any straight ball into teammate to create third man situation
  2. Start attack on one side; finish on the other
    • Correct body shape to turn and face forward in possession
    • Recirculate through CBs
  3. Time on the ball; stay away, no time; come to support
  4. If we play long, support to win second ball
  1. Positioned slightly behind opponent’s FWs aware of body shape to turn and play forward
  2. If CB progress with the ball, balance to protect the central channel.
  3. Align movements with other central midfielders/rotate positions
  4. and triangulate
  5. Dribble forward when there is no passing option and there is open
  6. space, look to create 2v1, also create 2v1 by switching the field
  7. Position for 2nd ball if long diagonal pass is played, protect central
  8. channel
  1. Balance, protect central channel, awareness of positional spacing and movement (protect the counterattack)
  2. Reaching finishing positions (edge of the box)
  3. Decision for long range shots
  1. After loss of possession
    • Nearest player pressures the ball.
    • Surrounding teammates close passing lanes to make pass predictable.
  2. Drop and regain shape
    • Mark player in possession to win ball or foul
  3. Delay
    • Nearest players to our goal attach to form a line and close the middle
  4. Leave the line address the ball
    • The back line has been established and we have a numerical advantage
    • The opponent is in dangerous shooting distance (22 yards)




  1. Coordinated team movement to move forward as AMF begin to press
  2. Build Pressure on the Ball when Cover is Present
  3. Prevent central passes
  4. Deny penetration in 1 v 1 situations
  5. When pressure is broken recover towards goal to regain compactness
  1. Prevent central passes, limit opponent’s passes between lines
  2. Build Pressure on the Ball when Cover is present and help teammates to outnumber.
  3. When pressure is broken recover towards goal to regain compactness
  1. Reduce Space Between Teammates in Red Zone
  2. Make decision to switch from zonal marking to player
  3. When defending wide balls-crosses and long frontal balls ready to join the back line
  4. 1v1 marking inside the box
  1. Complete first pass. Furthest safe pass possible, preferably forward or diagonal
  2. No pressure
    • Pass – Longest forward, safe pass available
    • Dribble – Isolate defender to create numerical advantage
    • Two to Three runners immediately join the attack at high tempo to move defense and open space: (Occupy Three Channels)
  3. Under pressure
    • Pass out of pressure